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    MaskedBeastDesGardius reacted to Viridian in The Truce Has Ended!   
    I assume they will add in the other factions every day after this day, like they did when they originally hyped us for the war.
  2. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius reacted to plotinus_theos in The Truce Has Ended!   
    I hope so. I think the awakened deserve a second chance!
  3. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius reacted to The Bandit in Obelisk Prizes Now Released!   
    Am I the only person who feels unbelievably disappointed and disillusioned by the way the war ended? Personally I think TNT have handled it extremely badly.
    1) My biggest annoyance - the winning team get a huge amount of extra stuff, including an avatar. This means everyone in the Sway gets all this stuff, whether they deserved it or not. Undoubtedly they have some great battlers who did deserve it, but also loads of people who didn't do anything to deserve it, they just got lucky because they picked the right team. All TNT needed to do was either give the Sway a different trophy, like they do for whoever wins the Altador cup, or a different avatar, not an extra one and all that extra stuff.
    2) Secondly, the prizes are rubbish. There's not really anything there I'm particularly interested in. This was a war, and there aren't any decent weapons as prizes! There's also nothing to help increase your stats (like an Armoured Negg or something). Or how about some 'clothing' (e.g. a sword) that makes your pet look like its fighting? I guess I'll just buy paintbrushes and sell them, but overall it's pretty disappointing. Two of the prizes are hats, for *&*^'s sake. Like we really need more of those. It's not like I have about two hundred already in my closet or anything.
    3) The whole 'Doing Your Part' bar thing. If they have something like that, they should make it clear what it means. Clearly, doing your part wasn't enough, because I did my part on each round by beating the hardest opponents, and got all the achievements, yet I didn't get the top rank. So what did the 'Doing Your Part' bar mean? Anything at all??? On top of that, they seem to be giving points for the earthquakes, which was a random event. How dumb is that?
    4) The Plot ending was also rubbish. The start was brilliant, undoubtedly the best start to a plot/war I've seen, with all the videos etc., but then at the end it just fizzled out. Meh.
    Ugh. Sometimes I wonder why I bother. It seems like all TNT is interested in now is the NCMall and making money,,,
  4. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius reacted to lolly247z in Official Awakened Discussion Thread   
    Hey guys, we fought hard, but unfortunately didn't have a victory :sad01_anim: Make sure to collect your prizes though, they have some pretty cool ones ;)
  5. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius reacted to siniri in What does the avatar above say?   
    Give me cake (and prizes) NOW, TNT, or face your doom!
  6. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius reacted to hrtbrk in TNT Teases Obelisk Site Theme!   
    TNT is playing an evil game and took to their official Facebook page to show off the Obelisk site theme header! On the picture shows a giant "SOON."

    Looks like the Obelisk might open "SOON."

  7. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius got a reaction from andaraen in What's your Achievement today?   
    Well , just in case you dont need it.....*lol* joking.
    My achievement...? Finishing LV 27 at illusens glade
  8. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius got a reaction from Ali Cat in The only atheist in my class   
    Thanks everyone. I'm really happy you guys understand me. Your tips were wonderful , and i don't care about them. I'll go my own way , and i won't listen what those idiots have to say about me.
    Thanks once again <3
  9. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius got a reaction from crazy_cat_luv_bb in Bweetik is in the BC this week. Take a look?   
    Your vote has been cast for Bweetik

    Good luck in the BC. Cool pic

  10. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius got a reaction from Viridian in The only atheist in my class   
    Thanks everyone. I'm really happy you guys understand me. Your tips were wonderful , and i don't care about them. I'll go my own way , and i won't listen what those idiots have to say about me.
    Thanks once again <3
  11. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius reacted to -Ryan in Pokemon X & Y Discussion Thread!   
    ohmygod that pre drowzee thing
    i dont care if its fake i need one -drools-
    oh btw

    it has nothing to do with X and Y, I just found it amusing.
  12. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius reacted to Nimphal in The only atheist in my class   
    Basically what Ali Cat said, plus, whenever someone decides to tell you that you should believe in god, you could thank them for their concern for your well-being and their advice. That way you are not insulting them and you are not compromising your own beliefs, whatever they might be :)
  13. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius reacted to Ali Cat in The only atheist in my class   
    The important part is that you have that awesome group of friends :) It definitely helps to have people support you regardless of your personal choices. Congrats on having a fulfilling coming out as an atheist and for having good friends! My blunt advice (which isn't always realistic) would be to not worry about what other people think; your views are not wrong, so you don't need to change them. If possible, don't associate with people that make you uncomfortable.
    Realistically, I'm not sure of the best way to handle this. I don't have any personal views concerning religion (some people prefer to call me an atheist, I prefer not to label myself as an -ist because I view that as a religion about not believing in a deity.) For me, the topic of my personal beliefs never comes up since I have no stake in the matter. I don't care what religion other people have, nor am I interested in discussing religious matters unless we're talking history, so I don't see a reason to talk about it. If a discussion about religion is started, I just opt to let people who have a religion take control of it. If other people are actively forcing you to speak about your views, there's nothing wrong with explaining yourself. The problem comes in when, as you mentioned, a religion is being forced on you. If that happens, I'd say to give them a gentle reminder that religion is a personal choice, not what others view as right.
    There's really no way to control how people treat you (so long as it isn't dangerous! That would be a serious issue.) If people look at you funny, the only thing to do is act normal to remind them that you're a human, same as them, even without believing in a deity. This sounds like a recent step you took to come out as an atheist, so maybe it'll blow over when people get used to it. If you're still in high school, that can be a tough time in general socially. People are incredibly judgmental in high school. The people I've met in college are far more understanding than my high school peers were. Keep in mind that a lot of the people who are looking at you funny will learn acceptance as they get introduced to the real world in a few years. Knowing you're an atheist might help them be more accepting in the long run.
    The unfortunate conclusion I've personally reached is that having a personal view different from the masses can need some tough skin. Even though it will probably be difficult now, I think being true to your beliefs is the best way to go.
  14. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius reacted to Viridian in Official Awakened Discussion Thread   
    Look guys, I made Death from clay! :

    (click to enlarge.. Picture is a bit big for the forum)
  15. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius got a reaction from Duskitty in Google Image War   
    Me caught the roadrunner

  16. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius reacted to deadninja6 in Surprise Attack... finished?   
    So, it seems as if the surprise attack(Or maybe just the Awakened's part in it, since we're so awesome.xP) is over, because at least on my faction's part, Death has been defeated. Do you guys think that there's going to be something else, after this, or do you think that the war is over, and the March 24th deadline is only for leniency on the whole Luminous Cask thing?(Personally, I think it's the latter.)
    P.S.: SOOO glad I decided to finish up the 300 losses thing last night, before going to bed.x3
  17. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius got a reaction from Relevance in Spongebob Quotes !!!   
    So guys , post any of your favorite Spongebob quote here. I thought i'd do this since i love Spongebob <3

    Whoever's the owner of a white sedan, you left your lights on
  18. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius reacted to Lamppost in A new Battledome set needed !   
    Here are some suggestions:
    Training. Weapons are most effective when you have a well-trained pet. You're not too far from the 55 strength boost, so if you can get there, you'll do 33% more damage since your multiplier will go from 1.5 to 2. I wouldn't worry about defense for now. In the long run, you'll probably want to increase it, but since you have a pet that's not currently trainable, you probably don't have time to train up to the 35 boost. Strength is more important for now.
    Constants. Right now you have one good constant and one decent one. The Barbat Throwing Star does a solid 11 icons. However, you could stand to upgrade the Jittery Jipple Pear Potion. This potion attacks based on your opponent's intelligence, and all 1-P opponents such as your opponents in the war have an intelligence of 0. So, you're only getting 6 icons out of this weapon each time you use it. You could look into upgrading to a 9-iconer like Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer, 10-iconer like Scroll of the Scholar, or an 11-iconer like Scroll of Knowledge. My advice is to get the most icons as your budget allows, but you'll also need to consider the other upgrades. You could also consider a dual duty like Snowager Sword. You sacrifice some attack icons, but you gain defense icons, and since your defense isn't abysmal compared to your strength, it could help you.
    Shields. Leaf Shield is an excellent shield, especially for a beginner. Other good cheap ones are Patched Magic Hat and Parasol of Unfortunate Demise. The parasol is particularly nice because it's a full blocker, and it defends using your opponent's boost instead of your own. I also particularly like Virtupets X-514 Super Shield because it defends 5 different types of icons, so you're almost guaranteed to defend something regardless of what weapons your opponent uses. Sophies Magic Hat is also a good shield and within your price range, but I advise against spending so much on a shield due to your low defense boost.
    Bomb. At your level, your best option is one-use bombs. You already have two good ones: Swift Darkfire Negg Bomb and its slightly weaker sibling Darksplash Negg Bomb. You can also look into the 15-icon muffins like Golden Muffin or Brain Muffin, or the slightly cheaper 13-icon Jar of Meepit Eyes.
    Freezer. I find freezers incredibly helpful in my Battledome strategy. The best time to use a bomb is when your opponent is frozen. The best affordable freezer around right now is Randomly Firing Freeze Ray, but it's rather inflated right now. Another option is training up your level and faerie abilities to get Lens Flare, which is a 100% freeze, but that might be a reach for you with time and NP. You could also consider Snowglobe Staff or Scroll of Freezing, but they are fairly unreliable and/or likely to break.
    Healer. Magical Healing Potion is good for someone at your level. If you have the NP, you could upgrade to either Lesser Healing Scroll or Greater Healing Scroll.
    Stealer. Purple Sticky Hand is pretty much the best affordable stealer. However, I find stealing to be not very useful in battle. If it's something that works for you, stick with it, but if not, then I'd recommend selling this to fund a different upgrade and/or your training.
    Other. Hang on to Downsize!. It's a good one. For important battles, you could also consider one-use items like Thick Smoke Bomb or Lucky Robots Foot.
    For more alternatives to the weapons suggested above, check out the Battlepedia's Basic Weapon Sets guide.
  19. Like
    MaskedBeastDesGardius got a reaction from complicatedwishes in Mysterious Negg Cave Help Thread   
    Yeees it worked :D
    Thank you so much complicatedwishes
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