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    ashleagh reacted to Mireia in Thieves Win Boons, Avatar And Site Theme!   
    Until I get my Seekers avatar, I'm not changing factions. I hope there's an avatar for loyalty :D
  2. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Emily in The ALP   
    Yay! Thanks to everyone at the ALP, I have reached 300 avatars :D I honestly never thought I would reach that number!
    You folks are awesome :thumbsup:
  3. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in The ALP   
    Yay! Thanks to everyone at the ALP, I have reached 300 avatars :D I honestly never thought I would reach that number!
    You folks are awesome :thumbsup:
  4. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from karmacow in The ALP   
    Yay! Thanks to everyone at the ALP, I have reached 300 avatars :D I honestly never thought I would reach that number!
    You folks are awesome :thumbsup:
  5. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Wildbreeze in The ALP   
    Yay! Thanks to everyone at the ALP, I have reached 300 avatars :D I honestly never thought I would reach that number!
    You folks are awesome :thumbsup:
  6. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in Official Seekers Discussion Thread   
    Aaaand, the site broke...way to go, TNT! You think they would've expected the massive site traffic and prepared for it 0_o
  7. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Xepha in Official Seekers Discussion Thread   
    Aaaand, the site broke...way to go, TNT! You think they would've expected the massive site traffic and prepared for it 0_o
  8. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from The Bandit in Official Seekers Discussion Thread   
    Aaaand, the site broke...way to go, TNT! You think they would've expected the massive site traffic and prepared for it 0_o
  9. Like
    ashleagh reacted to jinoraxis in Aethia's Ability Academy Opens!   
    Ah thanks. I'd like if they didn't take it back...it's in the bank for now anyway :P It'll only get spent on more abilities after all.
    I hope they get round to fixing all the bugs in BETA before unleashing it in a plot :S
  10. Like
    ashleagh reacted to Mireia in The Sway Have Their Sights On The Obelisk!   
    I'm going with the thieves guild, unless they show more factions. I'm not into secret societies, and the Sway represents everything I hate. Rich, elitists, greedy. No way I'm going with them.
    And, really, Kanrik has much more charisma than that Lenny....
  11. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from blackjack_OR in The Sway Have Their Sights On The Obelisk!   
    Hahaha, I was thinking the exact same thing :laughingsmiley: Way to come out of the woodwork! If it's between a secret society I know nothing about and the Thieves Guild, I'm choosing the Thieves Guild! Geez, I hope something less shady sets its sights on the obelisk next.
  12. Like
    ashleagh reacted to Bacchanta in Help Dig Out Mysterious Item In Tyrannia!   
    I really hope that (possible) plot points won't be awarded depending on wether you cap the digging prices or not. I don't have the time/patience/concentration to be sitting at my laptop for 5 hours straight (at the minimum). Anyway I am enjoying the free prizes...
  13. Like
    ashleagh reacted to Xepha in New Faerie Abilities!   
    I am not a huge fan of the new art...
    Will have to see if the new academy makes up for it.
    What I liked about the old art is that it looked like a faerie was living inside a bottle after being captured. It reminded me of Tinker Bell.
  14. Like
    ashleagh reacted to Anxious Zombie in Official Team Ninja Discussion Board!   
    I love the fact that Assignment 53 is all 8-bit and reflective of old times, but I hate having to play it T-T I'm a good watcher of those old games, not player.
  15. Like
    ashleagh reacted to gingerew in Official Team Ninja Discussion Board!   
    I literally just realized that my profile picture on TDN has always been a ninja. How fitting! :D
  16. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Rebecca~ in The Official Easy Trophies Thread   
    Wow! I just got the max UggaDrop score while doing GMC....If I knew I had it in me I would've waited until closer to midnight to send my score! I'm 89 right now...hope I can hold off until trophies are awarded!
    Update: I wasn't on the scoreboard at midnight but I still got my trophy :D Not sure how that works, but I am not complaining!!
  17. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Mouseykins in Revamped Faerie Abilities?   
    Overall, I am impressed with the BD changes. It's a little laggy at times because of the animations. I wonder if they'll introduce a low res or html version (like with the map of Neopia) for those with ancient computers :P TNT has done a good job so far. I guess I should give them the benefit of the doubt in regards to the faerie abilities! (:
    To all of the TDN Battlepedia team: Thank you!! Rewriting a decade or so of information is not an easy task, but we appreciate it! :D
  18. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in The ALP   
    Yay! I am now eligible to use Chokato-TCG on the neoboards!
    Many thanks to Alice for looking into my situation and taking the time to do such a fast lend :) You ALPers are absolutely incredible!
  19. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Emily in The ALP   
    Yay! I am now eligible to use Chokato-TCG on the neoboards!
    Many thanks to Alice for looking into my situation and taking the time to do such a fast lend :) You ALPers are absolutely incredible!
  20. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Mouseykins in The ALP   
    Yay! I am now eligible to use Chokato-TCG on the neoboards!
    Many thanks to Alice for looking into my situation and taking the time to do such a fast lend :) You ALPers are absolutely incredible!
  21. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from hrtbrk in The ALP   
    Yay! I am now eligible to use Chokato-TCG on the neoboards!
    Many thanks to Alice for looking into my situation and taking the time to do such a fast lend :) You ALPers are absolutely incredible!
  22. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Emily in The ALP   
    Hi there,
    I was lent FQD through ALP earlier on today, and I just want to say what a positive experience it was! I don't feel right begging for lends on the neopets boards, and with all the scams going around I am not comfortable advertising that I have full collateral for items. Thank you so much for setting this program up. You have given me a safe way to get those last elusive avvy items!
  23. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Mouseykins in The ALP   
    Hi there,
    I was lent FQD through ALP earlier on today, and I just want to say what a positive experience it was! I don't feel right begging for lends on the neopets boards, and with all the scams going around I am not comfortable advertising that I have full collateral for items. Thank you so much for setting this program up. You have given me a safe way to get those last elusive avvy items!
  24. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Anime in The ALP   
    Hi there,
    I was lent FQD through ALP earlier on today, and I just want to say what a positive experience it was! I don't feel right begging for lends on the neopets boards, and with all the scams going around I am not comfortable advertising that I have full collateral for items. Thank you so much for setting this program up. You have given me a safe way to get those last elusive avvy items!
  25. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Ali Cat in The ALP   
    Hi there,
    I was lent FQD through ALP earlier on today, and I just want to say what a positive experience it was! I don't feel right begging for lends on the neopets boards, and with all the scams going around I am not comfortable advertising that I have full collateral for items. Thank you so much for setting this program up. You have given me a safe way to get those last elusive avvy items!
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