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  1. Like
    ashleagh reacted to SidtheSnail in Neopets pop culture refs   
    The Sour Blue Slushie description is in reference to the Eiffle 65 song I'm Blue "It is sour, and blue, da da dee da da da..." (Gosh I feel old)
  2. Like
    ashleagh reacted to aminoshiki in Classic paper books - Time to retire?   
    I think there is something in the action of turning pages that keeps me intrigued. I've tried rereading books I love on electronic devices and I just find them so boring. There is no reason for it, since it's the same material, but I can't seem to get through them.
    Same goes with textbooks. As the above mentioned, I think that out of the five classes I had that were forced e-textbooks, I only did well in one, because I couldn't get myself to stare at a screen for such a long time. Taking notes is really an inconvenience. Sure they have tools now, where you can highlight using your mouse, but it just never felt as interactive. There is a definite difference between the action of moving your hand to draw out letters and the action of your fingers simply hitting a button. The former is slightly more involved, in my opinion.
  3. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Catexia in Winter/Holiday Customizations   
    There are some great customizations here!
    I have only finished with one of my pets:

  4. Like
    ashleagh reacted to Delshnya in Classic paper books - Time to retire?   
    I don't read books on my computer or whatever. Sometimes I read articles, because it is my only option, but as some have said, my eyes hurt after a while, and sometimes I get headaches too. But even if I did not get those, I would not choose reading with an electronic device, it's hard to explain, but it is just not me. I only see two downsides to using a book, having to carry them, I don't mind carrying a few books, and that it means destroying trees... But instead of changing books for e-books or whatever, I would prefer finding a way to make a book with other materials that don't involve destroying nature. Some people have said other downsides as not being able to read in the dark, why would I want to read in the dark?, or the lack of space, unfortunatelly for me I cannot afford to buy books often, so I do not have that problem. Also I like to read outside, and I don't want to have to worry about battery, and I like to read near trees, in a nature enviroment, technology kind of spoils that. On top of that, I like to read in bed before I go to sleep, with a book when I finish I just shut the book, put it away and switch off the light, but with an Nook (or whatever device) I would have to turn it off and stuff, also I don't like sleeping near electronic devices, so I would have to get up to put it away... In any case, I vote to find a way to make books with friendly materials, so people can choose, because if I had to choose between using electronic books or not reading books at all, I would sadly choose the second option... What is the point of reading a book if I'm not enjoying it? I would feel like school/high school reading... No, thanks...
  5. Like
    ashleagh reacted to leverhelven in Physical contact in your country/culture   
    Wow, that's AWESOME! Thank you very much, as a future Psychology student I find this information very very interesting :)
    I find it quite strange the way it is (or at least I hear it is) in the US regarding kids and teachers/adults in general. You can't touch kids, right? I mean, most kinds of touch could be considered sexual abuse/harrassment to the kid unless you're family. Maybe I'm completely wrong, but those are stories I always hear about. For example, here in Brazil, teachers of toddlers are used to hugging and kissing their pupils and having them sit on their laps and such. Would that be even possible in the US?
    I also find it ironic that non-contact cultures seem to be from colder places and the other way 'round. I'd expect people from cold places to have MORE contact, so as to keep warmer, ya know? :P
  6. Like
    ashleagh reacted to paperdoll66 in If You Could Improve Anything About the Site   
    The biggest thing is a revamped safety deposit box with a few more options of ways to sort items, especially ones that would let you change the order they're shown.
  7. Like
    ashleagh reacted to darnflamingos in If You Could Improve Anything About the Site   
    I really want defenders of neopia back. And I would really appreciate that the stamp collection would be less hopeless.
  8. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from S_A in New Year 2015 Celebration Mystery Capsule   
    Decided to pick up one of these caps in the Mall today and I scored one of the LE backgrounds: New Years in Meridell!

    I am a die hard Meridell fan, so needless to say, I am over the moon! :D
    Has anyone received another of the LE items? The description says there are five but I have only seen images of 4 BGs so far.
    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Rune Valentine) because of a violation of the forum rules.
    There is already a Holiday Celebration Mystery Capsules topic. Please keep discussions on that topic.
    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Rune Valentine if you have any questions regarding this action.
  9. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Musical_Shoyru in What should I pick?   
    I like the Altador Goddess and the Night Faerie. There was something quite unique about the Night Faerie customization :)
  10. Like
    ashleagh reacted to Moga in Advent Calendar 2015 Begins!   
    A bit late but I too really liked what's now yesterday's animation.  Can't quite put into words why but I just really liked both it and the ogrin character.
    I didn't get the feeling that the Orgin was depressed so much as that he was meant to be an older character, one who felt 'too old' to be catching snowflakes on his tongue and wanted to check and make sure no one was watching.
  11. Like
    ashleagh reacted to Rynarok in Eyrieki Glitch fixed?!   
    It's possible they are looking into fixing DoN like I said in a previous post. One of the coming soon features on the news section of the site involves justice.
    There are only 2 things pertaining to justice in neopian history and that is judge hog and defenders of neopia.
  12. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Wildbreeze in Winter/Holiday Customizations   
    There are some great customizations here!
    I have only finished with one of my pets:

  13. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Catexia in Eyrieki Glitch fixed?!   
    For those few of us caught up in the Eyrieki glitch (in which you are unable to click on any doors in the Temple of 1000 tombs), it may be fixed. I just went to the Temple of 1000 tombs, and to my surprise, clicking on a door finally worked!! Yay! Now if only DON2 weren't broken...
  14. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Mouseykins in Bony Grarrl Club Now Available for Lending!   
    Yay! This is excellent news: my lab rat was just recently zapped into a Grarrl :D Time to start saving!
  15. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from tk421beth in Faerie Quest Help   
    CHARMANDER_03824neo's gained 2 movement points and 2 hit points!
    Thank you very much, tk421beth! That is a great deal :)
  16. Like
    ashleagh reacted to Angeló in Neopets Down For Maintenance Again TONIGHT!   
    i hope they extend the NC Mall discount because i couldnt buy anything
  17. Like
    ashleagh reacted to Mouseykins in Grave Danger Receives Update!   
    Most likely it's just new items that have been added to the existing prize pool.
  18. Like
    ashleagh reacted to silent_bard in New Avatar: Goparokko   
    Yay new avatar :D

    I obtained the avatar with a score of 9736.
  19. Like
    ashleagh reacted to tylerscribble in New Daily: Grave Danger!   

    *One of the NC prizes*
  20. Like
    ashleagh reacted to hrtbrk in Free Petpet: Sparky!   
    The very first Spardel, Sparky, and the inspiration of the petpet, has passed away. In honour of Sparky, head to Coltzan's Shrine for a free petpet!

  21. Like
    ashleagh reacted to Xepha in Royal Paint Brush Clothes Disappeared?   
    Did you try to add or remove an item from your current customisation, then save your pet? It should place your royal clothes back in your closet.
  22. Like
    ashleagh reacted to Clumsy rockyroad1 in DESERTFREAK10'S DAILY PREDICTIONS 2013   
    SK vs MT

    D SK D SK

    AL vs FL


    RI vs VP

    D RI D RI

    MD vs DC

    D MD DC D

    MI vs KD

    D KD KD D

    KL vs LD

    LD D KL KL

    KI vs MQ

    KI KI D MQ

    HW vs TY

    TY TY D TY

    BV vs TM

    BV D BV D

    Top 6 in 1 bracket is absolute torture. And I expect than 99.9817359% of players still hate this system. It's the same as last year.

    Edit: WHAT??? THEY PUT THE 1st to 6th, 7th to 12th, and 13th to 18th last year in 3 brackets???

  23. Like
    ashleagh reacted to Rebecca~ in New Altador Cup Images Show Roster Changes   
    I'm excited to see the Elderly Ixi! :D Hardcore granny player!
    -crosses fingers- I hope no other rooster changes show up- I love Kreludor's line up!
  24. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from peabrain in Faerie Quest Help   
    Faerie Quests  

    You are currently on a quest for the Fountain Faerie. Oh dear, are you having trouble? I'm sorry to cause problems! *sniffle*

    You are supposed to bring me:
    Bruce Shield of Resistance
    Ermahgerd!!! I really hope the item isn't UB!

    ***Update: Yay!!My Hubby helped me out on his account! The item was under 5k on the SW :D***
  25. Like
    ashleagh got a reaction from Mireia in Thieves Win Boons, Avatar And Site Theme!   
    Hahaha, that's exactly how I am feeling. I will stick with my faction until I get a win, and then I will jump ship to try to collect another avvy :) I feel like jumping around all the time would make it more difficult to win.
    It's interesting that the boons are faction related...I wonder what could possibly be in store for the Awakened boons? Free daily cake?
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