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I Love My Cats!

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Posts posted by I Love My Cats!

  1. I got everything but the petpet and I got to level 115 or so of catacombs, cheered to the max, and did the magical melody. I chose "Lure the monster into a three circuit trap with lasers, tripwires, and that Week Old Glass of Milk you've been carefully transporting all over the catacombs without spilling"


    I don't think I did everything the day it was released though (I had to play some catch up in the magical melody part I know) so I bet that's why I didn't get the petpet.


    For the people who did a lot and didn't get the avatar... that seems strange!

  2. Making progress... Went up 2 ranks in one day! Woohoo!


    Congratulations! That's awesome! :)


    I just got back from a week long vacation yesterday, so I didn't play much last week... (the beach seemed a bit more fun than Yooyuball haha). But I am at Rank 4 now and am trying for Rank 5 tonight. My husband is also playing for Moltara and he is Rank 9 now. He is seriously going for All-Star this year (I don't think I'm going to make it haha but will try for at least Rank 14 which is better than what I did last year).


    It seems like our team doesn't have as much momentum this year, but there have been some encouraging signs... :)

  3. Just got to Rank 1!! I am going on vacation next week so I am going to try to play hardcore this weekend since I won't be able to contribute as much next week...


    My husband also plays and he's on Team Moltara as well and he made it to Rank 3 today. I just hope we don't get swept by Shenkuu!

  4. I know there have to be some fellow gearheads out there! Let's keep each other motivated and continue our 1 year long tradition of not being in last place!


    This is my second year participating in the Altador Cup and my second year playing for Team Moltara. I am hoping to get to All Star this year. What are your goals?

  5. This isn't exactly an achievement but my Magma Kougra just got turned Baby by a random event and it looks completely ridiculous right now (it is my battle pet and was customized accordingly). Now I just have to remember my magma time... unfortunately I think it's early in the morning before I normally get up so I may have a Baby Kougra for awhile...

  6. Um, it just said on mine that Apathy feels better after some Positive Thinking and showed him getting 89000 more hp... is that for serious?!!


    Edit:haha I just noticed that siniri said the same thing above... so i'm thinking it doesn't actually count b/c then we'd never be able to win!

  7. I do about 300 damage per round on Mighty... I would be frustrated if I was in the Brute Squad or Order and was unable to fill my bar!!


    One thing I am confused about is how the damage going down is calculated... like if you do 1000 damage on medium, is that factored into his hp on hard?


    Edit: Also, how much HP did Apathy start with, does anyone know?

  8. Hello fellow Seekers!! Yay for nerd solidarity!


    Did anyone else here do a fist pump every time the whole room jumps up and cheers at the end of the Seekers video?


    I am excited to get to use my battle pet, I have been training her for a year in hopes that it would come in handy for a plot like this... :) So I hope that choosing this group doesn't exclude me from battling somehow... although I like puzzles too! :)

  9. Today's challenges have been so frustrating! It is comforting to see that others on these boards think so as well!


    I finally got Goparokko on Easy... it was the worst because it takes like 15 minutes to build up a game on Easy and I am not exaggerating I got between 4000 and 4400 at least 7 or 8 times before I finally got over 4500. I also hate Ultimate Bullseye. The first time I got over 50 (after like 40 tries) it wouldn't accept my score and I hit the wall multiple times in anger and now my hand hurts haha. On top of that, I have not gotten anything worth more than like 50 nps for my bonus plays!! My life is so hard....


    Hopefully tomorrow will be better and I won't be so angry and bitter!! :)

  10. I have a confession, fellow pirates.


    I already have plenty of pirate customization stuff (which I am putting to good use now) and I really want that ninja star wig SO I bought the Techo Master key instead of the Captain Threelegs room key for the Lulu Masterful Plundering event.


    I will keep the ninja apparel under wraps for the duration of the event, however ;)


    Can't wait for a new challenge tomorrow! :)


    Edit: Not that anyone cares haha, but I made it look like my Zafara who is dressed up as a pirate is being attacked by ninja shadows which I thought was appropriate

  11. Alright, I joined Team Pirate! Woot! I will have to dress up my pets accordingly :)


    Ok, so what is this about being able to send more than 3 scores? How many scores can you send? Can you only send extra scores for the challenge game for that day or for all challenge games?


    Edit: For those who are asking about the 'world challenge,' doesn't that just mean joining Team Pirate or Team Ninja?

  12. Congrats!

    For some reason, I seem to be stuck on Gors, even though I'm overleveled for him LOL


    Gors is the WORST! I am about halfway through on Evil, and he got me like 3x when I played in normal and once this time around even though I thought I was prepared. When I do Insane I am going to make sure I'm like 5 levels above him...

  13. Yay! Thank you! :)


    He was being paranoid about it but now he's agreed to do it :)


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  14. My husband is currently trying to attach a Mootix to his orange Grundo. He said he would transfer it to me once he does if he can get confirmation that petpets and P3s aren't lost in transfers. Could someone who has experience doing this (perhaps with TDN's avatar lending program?) confirm that it won't be lost? He won't do it unless he has confirmation from someone who has done it already.


    Thanks so much in advance for your help! :)

  15. Wow, congratz to both of you guys!

    May I ask, what exactly was the petpet? *is curious*


    I got a Camelior and then an GX-4 Oscillabot in the next battle along with some Booktastic books. While good now, I wonder if these prizes will become as worthless as most daily prizes eventually. It was also surprising to me that I got good prizes when fighting the same (easy) challenger 2x in a row.

  16. I just returned to my original account (10 years old) like a year and a half ago after a long hiatus and thought that some of the stuff that I had would be valuable.... nope! It's funny, the things you think to save are never as valuable because everyone saves them; it's the things that people don't think to save that become valuable (because people don't think to save them so they become super rare!). I really wish I had bought a Meowclops back in the day... I don't know how much they were back then but it can't be as much as now.

  17. I have had the same experience as well!


    The worst random event that ever happened to me though was getting my pet turned invisible (I had just painted her electric like a week previously); I didn't believe it was possible at first. Now I am paranoid that it's going to happen again but with my Maraquan Aisha or Water Zafara...

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