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Lady Lyuba

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Posts posted by Lady Lyuba


    It took me like 20 minutes for me to log in, I don't think I'm even exaggerating, but eventually I did get in. Keep trying, and just be prepared for loooong wait times-- patience is the key.


    Once you do manage to get the premium toolbar turned off, it should be (relatively) smooth sailing from there.


    Best of luck! I hate to see more people quitting Neopets, and I hope this works for you.


    Thank you, I hope that helps...



    I do hope you do not leave, Lady Lybua!




    It's only for now. I tend to come back to these things after a long departure. It's just a question of when.


    I liked how cute the P3s were (especially when eating). :D


    Lady Lyuba, I do hope you come back too.


    I will, maybe one day. It depends on how better Neo gets. But the site is inaccessible to me and probably will remain so for I don't know how long. :(

  3. Yeah, I'm pretty much getting ready to quit until things clear up if they do. To top it all off, I'm starting to find Neopets a bit boring and I pre-ordered Borderlands: The Handsome Collection and Mortal Kombat X yesterday. Those will keep me occupied :D


    I don't think that Neopets is a "childish" hobby in any way, shape or form, but I'm into other games that are less repetitive. I'd rather zoom around the streets of Chicago in Watch Dogs than buy a paint brush for a virtual pet that takes hours to save up for.


    Yeah, and I'm not too much of a gamer. I've become more active on the rival site Subeta, which has some things better about it, and other things less so. I'm mostly there for the avatar dolls and the forums though....

    That, and I draw and write stuff. Becoming a Tumblr artist has taken up my time and interest from gaming into being more productive. I'm glad I am. ^^


    I hate hearing/reading about people leaving NeoPets. I rally hope you decide to come back after this mess is cleaned up. In my humble opinion, TDN Forums won't be the same without you.


    Yeah, I don't think I'll be gone for good. I'm glad to have brought a presence to you all. And I might when this clears up, depends. I'm not sure what direction it's going in, but I hope it's good.

  4. Yeah, that's definitely going to be a problem at your end, Lady Lyuba, because no-one else seems to be having those kind of issues at the moment. Def do the normal restart/cache clearing options :yes:


    I just did that a couple nights ago when my laptop crashed. And that was before I got back on to check my pets back into the Lodge and notice the quest event going on.

  5. I'm sorry you feel that way :( Neopets really is hard to deal with right now...


    Perhaps you'll come back when things get better?


    I hope so. I really feel like giving up now. D: I'll never complete that quest, but I missed the entire event mostly anyway. I hate this.

  6. The site is up and working perfectly fine for me. It's a tad laggy as usual but if the page is taking too long just refresh and it should load. I had a couple issues with my quest this afternoon so if it's not loading or being mean just refresh the page.


    I can't access it at all. And I've tried that. Nothing works.

  7. I cannot put up with the way Neopets is behaving. The site won't load for me at all anymore. I cannot complete the faerie quest I accepted today. I just want to go back to Neopets and cancel the quest because I cannot complete it. But I can't even do that.


    No matter the browser I try to use, Neopets no longer works.


    I can't even give away any valuables I own because I can't even get into my account. It's as if my account has been frozen.




    Now, the above I wrote when I was much angrier. That said, since I've played on/off for 11 years, there is the chance I may come back - but it won't be for a while. I don't want to have anything to do with the site when it is behaving like this. I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I'm certainly staying away while it acts like this. I know Friday's events may be a reason for it. (doing this in the middle of an event is never good). Some events or plots may come that I'll regret missing (I won't, however, miss the annual ones), but who knows, I may return someday. I often do....

  8. I can't access Neopets at all for the past hour, just trying to get to somebody's shop and get the book I need for a quest.


    I give up. I'm not going to be coming back to do these quests anymore because Neopets has been this slow the entire time. Not doing it anymore. I'm done.


    Am I the only one who can't access Neopets? All the down-checking sites say Neopets is up. I don't see anybody else here complaining about Neopets being down, I tried Firefox, got the same result. It must be my laptop. Does anybody else use Windows 7?


    Here you go, Lady Lyuba, the Baby Ruki Board Book, found w/the SSW, price 2,297 np:


    fishnetsweetlove 2 2,997 NP misparky 1 2,997 NP



    Can't even access the shops at all, sorry. :C Gonna need more help. But thanks for what you could do. (When somebody helps, usually the first two shops are out of the item I need already.)


    Since the shops aren't loading, would it be cheating if I just asked for someone to send me the item?

  10. Painting someone elses pet with your FFQ is against the rules. You can get a random pet to paint and then give it to them but specifically getting someone elses pet to paint is not allowed. :/


    In fact, boards that had people trying to trade their FFQs were being removed last I saw. They were really cracking down.


    Then how do they know when you're just painting your side account pet and sending them back to that account?

  11. Same old, same old, I always get the Dark Faeries. Since I missed the event, they're probably all I'm gonna get for the last few days. They're the best of the elementals however. So, I'll never get one of the new quests this year. Hope they either come back next year, or get incorporated permanently into the mix. I'll wait until that decision is made before I start opening any cookies.

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