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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. khaos

    *pokes back* Hai. :3

  2. Have no fear, Kaito is here!

  3. I'm really sorry about your situation, and I hope everything turns out alright. :) And if you need help or something, you can PM me if you want, I'll try to help as much as I can. c:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. khaos


      Anytime! :) I'll always be here if you need me. <3

    3. rachiee


      same goes for you!! uwu

    4. khaos


      don't know what that uwu face is about but ok! c:

  4. a chat thing with a space-y background.

    1. Ruka


      It doesn't show up on my phone. :/

    2. khaos


      meh. :/

    3. Ruka


      I know. :/ ...so how?

  5. khaos

    and 10 minutes later Y U NO THERE

  6. "oh hey here's my profile pic on FB"-Photo thread yesterday "And i'm not gonna make a Facebook because I dont like FB"- you in October of '11

    1. khaos


      I seriously went thru 9 pages on your profile feed looking for that. xD

    2. rachiee


      shutup that was like 7 months ago :<

  7. My God i just posted something as my status that i was going to post on someone's page for a whole 6 minutes probably looking like a complete retard.

  8. khaos

    *pokes with cawwot* You too. an we should go here for faster talking instead of hogging up the profile feed :P http://xat.com/Khaos64133789074641337

  9. khaos

    *pokes with cawwot* You too. an we should go here for faster talking instead of hogging up the profile feed :P http://xat.com/Khaos64133789074641337

  10. khaos

    *pokes back* Hai.

  11. you don't have very much profile feed. do you delete or something? :S

    1. Jess Is Somewhere Else

      Jess Is Somewhere Else

      Actually, I don't think I did. Are you sure you looked at other pages?

  12. omigosh i just realized I never happy birthday'd you! D: I was on a half-hiatus. D: uhh... happy late birthday?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. khaos


      I did on Facebook?

    3. khaos


      I did on Facebook?

    4. Tedhaun


      Check my FB timeline for April 18, 2012. As a surefire way to make sure: If you do not see your Facebook Profile Picture or your name on there, then this means that you didn't/forgot to post Happy Birthday to Neomysterion.

  13. khaos

    Nyeh. okay. hurry up then. *pushes you into a chair*

  14. khaos

    You're missing, *drags you back*

  15. Gotta catch em all!!! .....................................In Pokemon White 2

  16. *looks through your profile feed to see if I have congratulated you on News Team but finds out i didn't so... congratulations?*

    1. Saxen


      Why thank you! :*

    2. khaos


      *is late by 4 months* You're welcome!

  17. Why'd you leave? D:

  18. Hello, we haven't talked in a while. How are you? Wanna Xat? http://xat.com/Khaos64133789074641337

  19. I see your member title has a nigahiga reference.

  20. I love your profile picture.

    1. -Ryan


      Thank you. ^^

  21. I completely forgot this place existed.

  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO. I said it on Facebook also, even though you never go on anymore.

  23. We haven't talked in over a month. :/ (It's Khaos, despite the recent name change)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. khaos


      I'm doing great, how are you?

    3. rachiee


      i'm good C:

    4. khaos


      glad to hear c: Do you go on this site often anymore? It's getting kinda meh of being here for me. But I'll never leave for good, that's for sure. :)

  24. Xat, sorry I missed yesterday >_<

  25. You on? XATTTT

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