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Status Updates posted by Manta

  1. hehe I'd probably punch you if you did that while talking to me...I hate when people make annoying sounds when they talk. I'm hypersensitive, so things that most people don't even notice drive me BALLISTIC

  2. Ooh, that's a good one. I say "bluh" a lot, because blah is overused. Plus, Croc says "bluh" in the video game...Oh, and I like saying "mlurp" as well. I don't know why. Ka-bleh!

  3. haha i tend to use the same phrases a lot.

    that said, i also enjoy saying that :P

  4. well what can I say, I wanted to be the very best, and here I am ;)

  5. i'm not sure what you mean but okay? :P

  6. Made it into the Art Gallery, and got the Imposter Apple avatar! What a great day!! :D

    1. Spritzie


      That's awesome! Congrats. :D

    2. Manta


      Thank youuuu!!! I'm so happy right now! Any luck with NC trades?

    3. Spritzie


      I haven't tried yet. Today was a super crazy work today.

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCHIDEN!! :D *huggles* what should I give him? :P

    1. khaos
    2. Manta


      My darigan bori! He's 7 :D


      I gave him a new petpet and P3

    3. khaos


      Congrats!! :D

  8. what? aww it's full again? xD

    i totally would but i'm leaving for vacation in a little bit, gotta pack up after my dailies. When i get back, we'll def play again!! :D

  9. ATTN: Will be away from tomorrow till friday. feel free to message me if you need anything. I will have pretty much no internet.

    1. Manta


      Internet is better than i remember it being, but it's only in one place. So I will probably be limited to a short time in the evenings.

  10. ah sorry! i keep forgetting to clear it lol xD you can message me on here if i forget again haha. and YAYYYYYYYYYY CONGRATS!!! i told you you'd get in!!! :D What did you win?

  11. keyquest glitched and the piece started moving off the board...trippiest thing ever xD


  13. Manta

    Yay for Long Island! :D *high five*

    P.S. You can only get a profile picture when you're a Super Member - you need 400 posts.

  14. Quotes thread? o_O (goes to check)

  15. haha really? well what can I say, I'm a master of posting ;) I aim to get the next rank up soon :D

  16. Manta

    happy birthday! :D

  17. New profile pic, avatar, and siggy! Can you tell I've been reading ASoIaF lately? :P

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. khaos


      Uhh... whats ASoIaF..?

    3. Manta


      A Song of Ice and Fire. It's a fantasy series by George RR Martin, and was recently made into an HBO series. WHICH IS AMAZING *flails*

    4. khaos


      ._. *watches manta flail*

  18. i think i need to get out of the house...getting wayy too frustrated

  19. getting distracted, trying to do too many things at once. may not be able to remain active here :/

  20. home for the summer! hopefully I did okay in my classes lol...Time to play some NQII!

  21. DONE WITH FINALS!!! will be home and actively chatting this weekend! :D

  22. Finals week and a half is almost here. Taking a break from TDN until I'm home for the summer. Wish me luck! :D

    1. Iona


      See you later Manta! Best of luck with your finals! :D

  23. Happy birthday!! :D

  24. Ah, I'm sorry!! :( :( I have no idea what to do. I'm stuck with 50 nc myself :( I hope you find a way to get it!!

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