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Posts posted by Manta

  1. Lol I had a dream last night that I had a bunch of really nicely RNed Draiks and Krawks, and then I woke up and they were gone :laughingsmiley:

    But I'm not gonna give in and just buy one this time! I'm gonna keep saving for a transmog! Luckily, my habi is fully functional again so I'm gonna hit 11m pretty soon :)

  2. Hmm, Flower and Jewel Circlet? Thanks in advance! I would love to do the same thing but I don't have the gift boxes.


    Same, I'd give more of my neocash stuff out as gifts if I had the boxes to gift them with


    Although if there are GB caps in the mall, I can probably do a small cap sale and trade off some of my stuff for box caps and then use the box to send the gift to people. But then it's more of a trade than a gift :/


    In other news, I've fixed my keyboard and my Habi is well on its way to becoming fully functional! Would be awesome if I could hit 20M by my birthday :D

  3. Haha Spritzie she looks adorable!! I feel like every time you post her, she gets cuter and cuter. Darn Draik :laughingsmiley:


    Well, my habi is up and running again, so hopefully once I get enough workers I'll be able to start plugging along towards my Mutant draik again :D Yay!

  4. Dude I'm turning 21 in two months and I'm 4'9.5" (about 145 cm, I think?) :laughingsmiley: I get tagged as much younger than I look xD


    Which of course, means I'm looking forward to being 40 and fooling everybody. :D

    But yeah, pretty sure I'm one of the shortest people here...I usually am.

  5. I suck at making money. I really need to learn how to RS or something... What little money I make daily comes from Dailies, and the easy 3k I make from Kass Basher....


    Get a habitarium! Seriously, you just let it go, and you make NPs. It takes a bit of work to get up to level 50, but once you're there it pays for itself :laughingsmiley:

    And by that I mean pays for the time you spent on it, because it doesn't cost any NPs haha


    If you can't run Habi, I recommend getting into stocks. You also have a decently aged account, so Food Club is probably a good option for you as well. :P

  6. Finally got back into my Habi and found 40k worth of purple gems waiting for me :D So there's that.

    I also like using the stock market, and food club on occasion. I have terrible luck and terrible coordination so I don't rely too much on random things or restocking.


    Hunting through the SDB and selling random stuff I've saved up is always fun though :)

  7. Hi peoples..


    I have 12 NC gift boxes I need to use so I'm giving away sum of my duplicate stuff.


    One piece each first come first serve, I'll list my multiples below :) Pick one on your reply.


    Black Fedora Hat x2

    Wings of Flame x2

    Carnival Propeller Hat x1

    Sparkling Red hair bow x 6

    Candy-cane hair bow x 4

    Flower and Jewel circlet


    Gothic Kacheek doll

    Menacing skull staff

    Sovereign Jacket

    Sovereign trousers

    Resplendent wings x3

    Monarchial wig

    Simply striped short and waist coat

    Candy cane pitch fork

    blinking holiday nose light

    sparkling winter ornament garland


    Happy Holidays!


    If you don't mind, I'd love a Monarchial wig :D I haven't been able to buy NC in ages... My username is toadsdontexist3 :)


    Thank you so much!! ^_^

  8. Mara draiks are pretty, but you can't customize them too much xDD Although I guess Mutant draiks have the same problem, but you know :laughingsmiley:

    I kinda want to dump my lab rat so I can go name surfing again, but I'm torn on whether or not to keep him (Tiltyu is a fire emblem character...) Plus I'm partially afraid if I find a name I like, I'm gonna want to make it a krawk...I never realized how much I love drawing krawks until I got Vik, hahaha. But I need to stay focused on saving for my mutant draik :P

  9. I never made that much but before I got locked out of mine, I was easily making 70k a day without doing too much. It ran very slowly on my computer though :sad01_anim: It took me about two months to break level 50, if I remember correctly.

  10. Go you!! :D You're just plugging along through your goals, aren't you :)



    Mm, same. I love the Mutant Draik, but other mutants don't really appeal to me. Mutant Acara is cool, but I don't think I'd ever want one

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