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Posts posted by bluewisp16


    Uh oh. I'm going to be a dark cloud here...


    But I thought it was well known that you cannot offer anything for votes (items, drawings, links etc) and that you cannot go to a random board and request votes because it will be seen as spam.


    A different situation would have been you putting the Caption Contest request in your signature and said absolutely nothing about it while helping people with faerie quest links.


    This isn't new so I'm not sure why people are upset at TNT for this. Without this there would be a zillion caption contest/beauty contest/whatever contest posts begging for votes all over the boards.


    Best of luck to you in the CC :)



    No worries! I'm here to hear others opinions, and maybe to rant a little too. I knew the rule against saying "If you vote for me, I'll do this for you," but I figured if it wasn't a requirement, then it was fine. Now I know! Thanks for the suggestion for future boards, I'll just do that and not make a mention of the CC. Hopefully people can take a hint ;)

  2. After receiving a silly warning from Neo for a board and then venting on TDN soon after, it just occurred that this is probably an awesome place to advertise. After all, this is where I've met most of my neo friends. My caption is:

    A deserted shore stretches along in front of you.

    Yurble: I dont think its deserted...


    If you think my caption is even mildly amusing, I'd love your vote! The competition is stiff this week and I'm struggling to get in to the top 15.

    Here's the link:



    Thanks guys!


    Oh! And my username is Bluewisp16 by the way!

  3. Thanks for the support guys! I was shocked when I got that warning. And that is absolutely ridiculous anit0523. It just occurred to me that tdners are extremely friendly, and this probably an awesome place to make a board. I can't believe how competitive the CC is this week!

  4. Because of school I just recently started neoepts again and decided to enter the caption contest for fun, and I got in! Unfortunately there's some stiff competition this week and I'm struggling to get in to top 15, so I made a Quest board and said, "Just post the item below! While you wait, mind voting below?" and below I had a link to the CC. I got an official warning from the neopets team, they deleted my board, and all my posts. I definitely did not realize that was against the rules. They said I was trading searching for quest items for votes, but I never stated it was a requirement. In fact, the majority of the people didn't even bother voting which was fine. Okay, sorry, that was just my venting. Have a good day!

  5. Ahh, okay. So it'll just speed up my computer which may give me a better chance at snagging an item. I'l look definitely look into that. I just wanted to be sure I wouldn't get frozen. Thanks for the help!

  6. I've been looking at a lot of restocking guides lately as I'm trying to learn how to do it, and came across one that suggested using adblock plus. This is where you create a filter that blocks out all of the images in a shop that won't give you a profit. Is it okay to do that? Will I get frozen if I try?

  7. I am offering a pirate krawk custom for another persons pet. Am I allowed to accept their well named basic pet, morph it into a krawk, and then trade it for the pet I want that they have?


    Never mind! I got an answer on the PC. If anybody is curious, you aren't allowed to do that.



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  8. Congrats on your new petpet! :) I also love your customization.


    Off-topic, but your user lookup is pretty nifty too!

    Thanks! I coded it myself in hopes of getting user lookup of the week, although I don't think that's going to happen since I submitted it a few months ago. Oh well...

  9. Okay, because I want an eventide slogmok, so I bought an eventide PPPB and a slogmok. At the petpet puddle below the petpet it says unknown color instead of eventide. I'm a little skeptical to paint my petpet in case it doesn't work. I tried the thing where you type this into google: site:www.neopets.com/petlookup "eventide slogmok" and it says nobody has one. Could it be too new to paint, or am I okay to go for it?

  10. On Jellyneo it has some items listed as searchable and says below:

    "Missing Data!

    Since this item has a status of Searchable, we need more information! If you find this item in Neopia, please submit the information we are missing, such as name, description, category, rarity, etc.

    We are also missing the Item ID for this item. If you have it, please submit it via the "Report Error" form!"


    Does this mean you can't use this item yet? I found it on one of the petpets.
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