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Status Updates posted by shadows4fairy

  1. I hope so too! ^^ Not that I'd get it, but more avvies always makes me happy haha :D

  2. Ahh, thanks for telling me abou it, but I don't think I'll have time for it... :( plus I hate stalking the neoboards (or anything else) I never remember to refresh XD Do you know if there's an avatar involved?

  3. is most likely on eggcave.... :P

  4. Haha I don't have the patience to just keep refreshing a page xD Btw, can you fill me in on what this Tarla business is? I've missed so much :( Is it worth it?

  5. Meh, mine's uber short. Ok, not uber short but just not long so I'll suppose I'll need something else to be doing xD

  6. Haha, so pro XD I utterly fail at soo many of the games, and I can't really restock so my only money maker is the stocks which is slow and unreliable *sigh* and plus I'm on eggcave wayyy too much to even play neopets anymore.. rofl xD

  7. Yech, techy. Lol, sorry I don't really know much about computers...even though I'm on one 24/7 :P Gluxx on your goal :O 5M is a big goal :D

  8. Rofl, am I to assume that you've managed to do it somehow? Any tips? xD

  9. Oh, I can't imagine that being good for you. Although I shouldn't be one to talk since there are days I DON'T sleep AT ALL. *sigh* Do you mind me asking what your job is? You seem to keep a very irregular schedule. o_O

  10. I really wish I could operate like that...I slept soo late yesterday cause I just started Egg Cave and I'm totally obsessive about things I just start. It has to be perfect! :3 xD Anyway, then this morning, I went with a friend to do yoga. 5 hours of sleep + almost 1 hour of yoga = one dead me. :( I think I'll go to sleep at like 11 today, which is fairly early for me. :3

  11. Aww but then you had to get up 1.5 hours earlier too! Iunno bout you, but I need to get 7 hours of sleep at least or else, I'm like a zombie the next day...and even coffee doesn't help!

    And ty :3 I'll probably do it this weekend though..when I can actually spent a fair amount of time online without feeling TOO guilty about it xD

  12. Lolz, I didn't even sleep until four yesterday. (prolly won't today either...studying for chem D: )

    Hope you don't mind, but I'm going to add some titles to mine that are the same as yours. I've realized now that mine is hardly Neopets-related at all -_-''

  13. *sigh* You just had to make counter-arguments T_T

    And I refuse to post on that topic. >.

    Btw, I love all the colours you used in your "About Me" thing up there ^ It's very pretty ;3

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