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Status Updates posted by Midtime

  1. I have two readers. They are very important to me.

  2. University. Writing projects. My characters and ideas occupy my mind, but when the paper demands its rent they vanish into the cracks in the floorboards. I must be doing something wrong. Probably several somethings.

  3. Apparently I can't keep a schedule.

  4. After an inexplicable hiatus, the next update to Enter Name will be released this week, to the excitement of absolutely no one.

    1. Duskitty


      *grabs popcorn* I'm excited, what do you mean?

  5. knows that people are always less enchanting in person.

  6. Happy birthday Izzy! (it is still your birthday, right?)

    Have a cookie! *Gives you a cookie*

  7. *Reads About Me page* It was your birthday?! :o Oh no, I didn't wish you a happy birthday!

    Um... Late Happy Birthday!! Or is it too late for even that?

  8. Oy! No intrusion into our private battle! *comes back from the dead and continues fighting*

  9. Yes. That kind of greeting is getting a little old. :D

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