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Lia Seeya

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Posts posted by Lia Seeya

  1. Omg thank you so much! Love the hair :D


    You're welcome! c: I loved drawing the hair, haha! Quigukis have such nice hair. *.*


    For the day of December 16, the dooblydoo put forth... John!



    I loved working with the different colours that a Faerie Eyrie has. :D


    On December 17th... The dooblydoo revealed... Phean!



    Another Faerie pet, and one whose hair I had A LOT of fun drawing! <3

  2. (Just so you know, his custom right now is in honor of the holidays and won't be permanent, if you don't mind that.)


    Oooh, I could use a current image of him, if you like. Then you could let me know when you've gone back to his normal custom, and I can change the image accordingly. c:


    I really love alien aisha. I wish it would become more popular with some lore and what not.


    Me too! Alien Aishas are so cool, and I wish TNT would do more with them. :D


    Thanks to everyone for Aisha colour suggestions. I've updated the adoptables with a whole slew of colours. ^_^

  3. I made a thread like this about... Five years ago, based on the search. I wanted to bring it back because I'm working on Mia's petpage again. I would like to ask for some help and suggestions for content:


    1) For Aishas in Action, it's a section showcasing regular Aishas in Neopia. There were a few ALP pets, and a couple from TDN users, but I would be happy if their info would be updated or something. Anyway... Do you own an Aisha? If so, I would love to have them in the Aishas in Action section. I just need: a link to their lookup (I'll screencap their current look) and a short two/three-sentence info paragraph about them.


    For their info paragraph, I'm hoping for the pet to speak for themselves. E.g. "Hey! I'm Gren and I like to game-hop etc etc." instead of "Grenushol is an Alien Aisha who enjoys etc etc."


    2) I'm also offering some Aisha adoptables, in the style below:



    The thing is, I don't want to just draw colours in alphabetical order or something. I wanted to ask: What Aisha colours do you want to see/use? c:


    As always, I'm still tweaking Mia's page so please forgive me if some sections seem a bit rough.


    EDIT: I'm also thinking about that block of Neopets copyright text at the bottom. Do you think I can remove it and place it under "sitely" or something? Not really an Aisha-related question, but I just wanted to know your thoughts. c:

  4. well maybe they did it by mistake, or maybe they were just following the christmas giving forum idea. About a week ago I tried to give someone some cheese for an avatar they'd mentioned they were trying to get, but they sent it back. It was a tiny bit odd, but I wasn't uber insulted, so don't worry. Maybe just message them first if you don't want to offend but feel you should send it back.

    The mystery has been solved, as seen below! Thank you for the advice though, I feel like I would have done the message first. :)


    I feel like that could've been me as I was gifting from the TDN Christmas Wishlist Gifting Post, and I know I sent one of those somewhere..

    I was starting to confuse myself with wishlists and shop wizards and gifting (oh my!)



    Hello! I'm so sorry, I should have checked the wishlist first! Thank you very much for letting me know through here, I'll be sending the item back. <3 (Also how generous of you. :D)


    Alright, my question has been answered. How do I request to close the thread? o:


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  5. So when I got on Neo today, I got an Ixi Skull from a user that I had never interacted with before. I'm guessing it's one of those random acts of giving, or they accidentally sent it to the wrong person.


    I checked their lookup, and they seem to be like any other user. Probably made a little accident in sending me the item. It's not worth a LOT of NP, but I think it's a rather neat little item. They have also not Neomailed me regarding the item.


    What should I do? Do I return it and seem ungrateful for the random act of giving? :( I don't want to seem ungrateful.


    (Lia, you're stressing too much for this little thing.)

  6. I think it's been busted for a while. :( I defeated Cybunny Scout a while back, and I didn't get anything.


    TNT did acknowledge this though, from here:


    Defenders of Neopia trophies aren't being awarded yet.


    Looks like we'll have to wait.

  7. Lia Seeya, do you have anything else you would like? Your wishlist has gotten rather short, and I only found 1 item in my SDB to give to you. Are you training a pet? Could you use codestones or dubloons? Are there any other customization items you would like?


    Oh my dear, you are so nice. Thank you so much, but I'm okay with my wishlist and am not wishing for other things. Thanks to the great generosity of this community, a big chunk of my wishlist as been granted. <3

  8. This is so lovely, Angel. :D While I don't really have a list, I try to keep the spirit of giving alive, especially during Christmas. I've heard of and done Angel Tree, and it's always lovely to buy something nice for the kids. I'll ask my local shelter to see what they need, because they sometimes need linens and blankets as bedding because they're rather good on food.

  9. It would be rather convenient, stacking inventories just make everything neater. Like Neon Hyena, I'm wondering what happens when say the Pant Devil steals something. I sure hope he won't steal the whole stack. :D


    Maybe they'll consider it once they have most of the bugs worked out, because it would be cool.

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