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Posts posted by zombirific

  1. Way overhyped.


    Twilight is a good series.


    It is, in no way, an amazing piece of literature. It's not comparable to Shakespeare or Charles Dickens, as some would try and say. Yes, many have read it and enjoy it. For one reason: the hype. I believe that if you hear something being extremely hyped and hear of how good it is, you become biased. You're more willing to like it, because you know so many others do.


    I have fangirl moments myself, but the kind of fangirling Edward gets is insane. Maybe it's because I don't find him too attractive myself, but still. :/ Bothers me.

  2. I'm for it. America is supposedly the land of opportunity, is it not?


    Not allowing gays to marriage is not protecting the sanctity of marriage, contrary to popular belief. Take a look at the divorce rate. I fail to see sanctity of marriage being more protected by straight couples than gay couples.


    Gay couples can't have children. They can adopt children. Less children in shelters and not more overpopulating, anyone?


    The religious aspect is the only one that makes... some sense, in my mind. Yes, homosexuality is viewed as a sin. One of the many great freedoms of this country is the freedom of religion. That means not everyone is going to view it at a sin, because not everyone BELIEVES in sinning. Separation of church and state.


    People who are totally against gay marriage utterly confuse me - I don't think anyone on this forum is like that, but still. Here's the most important question to ask: how does it involve you if you aren't gay, at all?

    Oh; it doesn't. You have no involvement. The closest contact you'll get with a gay person is if they are your friend, or you see a gay couple walking down the street. And in that case, you'll have to learn to accept people for who they are and how they were born. If you believe it's a sin, you aren't the one sinning. God doesn't say anything about protesting against gays and shunning them from society. Don't call me on this, but I believe he wants you to love everyone - equally.

  3. I don't really like it. D: I hate when sites start turning commercial, and before you know it you have to pay to have any sort of good feature. That hasn't happened to Neo, but I'm afraid that it could.


    It'd be way better if you could buy the items for a certain amount of money AND a certain amount of NP (that would be a high amount of NP, but hey, it'd at least make the stuff available to those who don't want to buy.)

  4. I hate the fact little kids look up to Miley Cyrus. She is NOT a good role model. D: I miss the days when kids looked up to REAL Disney princesses and such.


    I believe cookie marriages are only legal in Vermont. Are you guys going to elope? O:

  5. I'm already in the infantry for the Dark Side Army, so I should be good here. XD


    Yes; I don't really hate the people or things themselves, but the hype makes me want to put a drill through my skull. (was that descriptive enough?)


    Example: I find Twilight okay. I'm not a real fan, but I've read the books and saw the movie. It's just one of those things. But I pretty much never discuss it, for I will be met with "ZONnNGNNgngg EDWARD IS TEH HAWTS!"

  6. I am new, if you couldn't guess. XD I'm Haley. I'm 13, and I've been on Neopets since... 2004. Yeah, that's a while. My current account is emobigbird. I hate the name; I blame someone else for possessing me to call it that months ago.


    I've recently gotten back into Neopets. I played it for years, and then took a 'hiatus' through 2008. After a year... I am drawn back in. XD Well, to everything except the Neoboards. That used to be my favorite place, but now it's all: "TWILIGHT RAWKS" "OMG JONAS BROTHERS" "miley cyrus is da best" I used to be able to wade through the stupidity to find friends, but I have given up on that for the moment.


    I have also started earning neopoints. That may sound 'duh' to some people, but I never used to at all. I hit the 100k mark a few minutes ago, and am quite proud of myself for earning that 'the hard way.' :D


    What else... I adore roleplaying. And writing. And drawing, even though I'm a failure at it. I tend to be an artsy person. (:


    'Tis all!

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