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Shane for Wax

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  1. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from leverhelven in Problem with laptop's clock   
    Haha nah I'm not offended. I've suffered a lot worse. It's why I'm retired now. Wasn't a fan of being yelled at for something not my fault. Besides, I've met some techs who decide that if the customer 'can't bother to learn about computers' then they 'won't bother to be honest'. Pfft.
    (Though those terms linked are helpful thanks to a recent character I made so hey)
  2. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to Marae19 in Faerie Quest Help   
    Thanks so much. And don't worry about it, I've spent the last two and a half hours learning Swedish online, so I kind of forgot anyway...
    You have completed a quest for a Soup Faerie. Wow, you did it! Now I can get back to cooking. Thank you so much for your help! 

    PoemaNinja's gained 2 movement points and 2 hit points!
  3. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from leverhelven in Problem with laptop's clock   
    Actually, we (techs) won't generally abuse your naive nature unless you are being deliberately thick and unwilling to help us fix an issue for you. We don't want to trick you by any means. It's really only the butts who do that, but the majority of us will not go for the straight up butt behavior at first blush. If you annoy us, that's when the kids gloves come off.
    All you have to say is that you know there's an issue with your CMOS and you'd like it replaced. So long as you've found and bought a replacement, that's an instant hint that you know what you're talking about. You simply have to explain you aren't entirely confident about opening up your laptop without causing further accidental damage and it'll be gravy from there.
    Computer techs are not the same as motor techs who will try to make you spend more than you should be on something. And even then it's usually based in sexism. Once you prove you know what you're talking about and wanting done to things, you should be fine.
    You are entirely within your rights to ask for a quote on how much it should cost to simply replace the battery and then shop around for other prices for the same thing. Which you should always do to begin with when it comes to repairs.
  4. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from leverhelven in Problem with laptop's clock   
    Well, some laptops you can recharge the CMOS (tho I've never messed with one and I doubt lever has one of them).
    I will have to ask, did you remove then put the main laptop battery back? Sometimes that messes with the CMOS.
    I will suggest you try to find the manufacturer and model of your computer to try to track down which battery you need. You could open it up to find the battery, but it's kinda risky if you don't know what you're doing. If you're curious you can see the process here.
    Or you could skip all these steps and take it to a comp tech but it will most likely be cheaper in the long run if you know which battery you need, then you buy it, before taking it into the tech so you don't end up paying a higher price for the component they are replacing (prices for components bought from the comp tech can be higher than if you'd bought it somewhere else).
  5. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from tk421beth in Faerie Quest Help   
    Thanks. It's still cheaper than what it would be for training my BD pet given their level now.
    "I'll keep you in mind next time I have a quest, since you're such a hard worker.

    For your efforts, Chardlyneo's level has increased!"
  6. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from tk421beth in What's your Achievement today?   
    It took me quite a few years (even tho I could've done this earlier cause I had the money but like usual I was unsure about spending the np cause I might need it for something or whatever) but I got my lupe, DocGregHouse, painted desert. It's a reference to the show House MD I've wanted to make since the show started up.
  7. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from tk421beth in Faerie Quest Help   
    (Don't worry too much about it, it's a pretty minor infraction)
    Still using my fortune cookie soooo...
    Welcome back! If you're having trouble finding my item, I'm sure there are some kind Neopians who can help.

    You are supposed to bring me:

  8. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to Brover in The Fruit Machine   
    First time I've ever won this much on Fruit Machine. Didn't even know they gave these away. I think it's the first time I've ever won a pb from a daily. So happy!!!

  9. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from brynchilla in Last Thing You Ate   
    I'm still eating it but these things called veggie straws. They are addictive and oh so good. I think I'm nullifying it being a healthier alternative to chips by eating so many. lol
  10. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to tk421beth in Faerie Quest Help   
    Thanks, Shane for Wax! Whew! The site is so laggy right now!
    Whew! She didn't turn me into a Belchy! :laughingsmiley:
    You have completed a quest for a Dark Faerie.

    Thanks for the help. You're the only one who understands... *sigh*
    For your efforts, Bisbee66's health has increased!
  11. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from tk421beth in Faerie Quest Help   
    Sigh my friend the SSW is still slow but here you go:

    Owner Stock Price
    neohuck333 1 1,700 NP
    packettracer 2 3,000 NP
    sarah_pants_ 1 3,000 NP
  12. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from tk421beth in Faerie Quest Help   
    The SSW is super laggy all of a sudden but here you go:
    Owner Stock Price frubbeldrup 1 1,450 NP marianavph 1 1,500 NP leciigaa 3 1,850 NP
  13. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from siniri in What's your Achievement today?   
    Apparently got a bronze trophy for winning two games of Sakhmet Solitaire but since lookups are borked I can't see it. :(
    EDIT: won my second solitaire game today! :D
  14. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Marae19 in Faerie Quest Help   
    I figured that was the case. :P You're welcome.
  15. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from cordeliavane in Faerie Quest Help   
    One virtupets balloon coming right up from the SSW:
    Owner Stock Price bendofbay 1 486 NP xorria 7 650 NP jakeysmiles 1 700 NP
  16. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from michael777110 in Faerie Quest Help   
    Alrighty, Baby Gelert Pop-Up book as requested from my friend the SSW:
    Owner Stock Price candycan775 1 18,400 NP stephen_craig30 1 22,700 NP usacityplace 5 22,800 NP
  17. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to Shelley in Faerie Quest Help   
    WHOAH! sweet deal! It was for the Battle Faerie! Thank you :)
    Bravely done. This item is just what I needed.
    For your efforts, Leucothya's defence, strength, and health have increased!
  18. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from tk421beth in Daily Faerie Quests!   
    If it helps, you can check the faerie quest guide to know which quests to skip because this faerie will always give this reward and such. I suggest always skipping air faerie or refresh request them.
    and thank you, beth! I didn't think it would happen to me but here we are.
  19. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from missemmielou in JumpStart Comments On Staff Removal   
    While I believe the truth is that they aren't killing Neopets, I also have a hard time believing they're devoted to making the site run better. But then, I'm not sure how many people were webmasters and programmers that got the boot.
    We shall see.
  20. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from acmerasta in Daily Faerie Quests!   
    Dang I wish I had known that yesterday! Good to know tho.
    Hmmm it didn't work for me. Unless I just ended up getting her again. lol
    I did however use my fortune cookie and got THE FOUNTAIN FAERIE AHHHH!
  21. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Steve in Faerie Quest Help   
    I got you with the SSW:
    Owner Stock Price yugiakr 2 1,185 NP yoz2003 9 1,190 NP iphigenialuna 18 1,200 NP
  22. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Oquendof in Daily Faerie Quests!   
    Dang I wish I had known that yesterday! Good to know tho.
    Hmmm it didn't work for me. Unless I just ended up getting her again. lol
    I did however use my fortune cookie and got THE FOUNTAIN FAERIE AHHHH!
  23. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from 7_rayne_7 in Daily Faerie Quests!   
    Dang I wish I had known that yesterday! Good to know tho.
    Hmmm it didn't work for me. Unless I just ended up getting her again. lol
    I did however use my fortune cookie and got THE FOUNTAIN FAERIE AHHHH!
  24. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from kandygrrl in JumpStart Comments On Staff Removal   
    While I believe the truth is that they aren't killing Neopets, I also have a hard time believing they're devoted to making the site run better. But then, I'm not sure how many people were webmasters and programmers that got the boot.
    We shall see.
  25. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from acmerasta in Daily Faerie Quests!   
    You didn't if you were still on at 3am EST. You had to wait until 4am EST for the new day.
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