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Shane for Wax

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  1. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Synerjee in Faerie Quest Help   
    Here you go from my friend the SSW:
    Owner Stock Price lashana_treerunner 1 1,100 NP neopian_traveler 1 1,440 NP waikiwi 4 1,460 NP Luckily I don't need anyone's help today because I had the petpet I needed in my SDB (tho it was my last one, as I gave a Cobrall to a TDN user I think last month). I got the grey faerie and was blessed with the earth faerie's stat increase. :D
  2. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Mouseykins in [April Fools!] Exclusive Sneak Peak: Glitter Pets   
    Oh man I really want that Kougra, tbh. It looks amazing.
  3. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to jellysundae in A SERIOUS TURN OF EVENTS Jumpstart Edition   
    I'm just checking things out now. I like the header, it's pretty :O The red on the dropdowns is a bit retina-burny, there's no denying, but that's part of the lulz, and they could have made it yellow! Be grateful for small mercies ;D
  4. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to Synerjee in A SERIOUS TURN OF EVENTS Jumpstart Edition   
    I'm with Shane on this. I like the overall theme and its colour scheme, but the clash of red and blue in the dropdown menus makes my eyes ache.
    Are there any other LONG LIVE JERRY THE PTERI!!!!!!!!!!!!! besides the new theme though? I'm not finding anything out of the ordinary yet.
    Btw nice p r a n k coverup, TDN Forums. x)
  5. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to AllTimeMarr in A SERIOUS TURN OF EVENTS Jumpstart Edition   
    hahaahah i like it too!!! i wanna get the site theme. but change the menu :P
  6. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from ladybug22may in A SERIOUS TURN OF EVENTS Jumpstart Edition   
    lol well now I'm confused cause I don't have those issues. Though it seems like it'd be worse on the main page and a few others than at the places I'm generally at. The only problem I have is the dropdown menu colors. For me it's honestly not much difference from the birthday theme. but that's me.
  7. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from tk421beth in Lost my hat (but found it)   
    Well that isn't quite the same as having a comfort object. But thank you.
    But at least mine is finally back in my hands. Got it back on Saturday and I've done a lot better with it back.
  8. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to casperiscaptain in Faerie Quest Help   
    Thanks Shane!!!!

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  9. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to Marae19 in Qasalan Expellibox   
    Congrats, Shane! I got the NC prize about a week ago
    Today, however, I got nothing.
  10. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Zafie in Qasalan Expellibox   
    Oh gosh! I got the 150 NC prize today! It's been like 4 years since I've won! :D Not sure what to buy, I'll probably wait.
  11. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to yukeyuke in What's your Achievement today?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Skeith - King Hagan' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Finally! I'm a very happy girl.
  12. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Calekai in Faerie Quest Help   
    Here you go, from the graveyard shift SSW:

    Owner Stock Price laughinglola 1 499 NP sweetfa123 9 500 NP cinnamon992002 1 500 NP Now I need help, cause the site glitched when I went to search and had to refresh which meant no Shop Wizard for me. :( You didn't really mean to help me, did you? *sigh* I thought not.

    You are supposed to bring me:
    100 Percent Fake Uni mask
  13. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from leverhelven in Lost my hat (but found it)   
    My hat is one of my most cherished items. It is also something of a 'comfort item'. If you're familiar with them, it's usually for those with bad anxiety or PTSD or autism etc., to kind of hold onto or put on to feel safer, or to ground themselves in the present. Well, my hat is that. Next to my stuffed animal I have had since I was like 10. But stuffed animals aren't really accepted for adults to carry around so my hat has morphed into that.
    I already have pretty bad anxiety, but to lose it tore me to pieces. My dad doesn't understand how much it means to me to have it, but I eventually got him to ask around at the last places I had been (which weren't many, I've only been out of the house twice in the past week or so when I lost it). It's at the hair dresser's when I got my haircut I must have accidentally left it there somehow. My memory isn't the greatest.
    Only problem is I have to wait until tomorrow for my dad to get it. So I have to spend the night as anxious as I was last night and worried about having another episode and only having my stuffed animal to rely on to calm me down. :(
    Surely other people have comfort items too???
  14. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from micheee in Faerie Quest Help   
    Got hit with a bit of lag but here we are from the SSW:
    Owner Stock Price girlinterrupted01 1 1,455 NP lisaacloud 5 1,488 NP chasesauve 2 1,499 NP
  15. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Shelley in Festival of Neggs: Find Topsi!   
    As with anything else of this vein, you can't really help it if you're going about your usual business and get the basket on your side. It would only matter if you were clicking around on purpose to get it, or got the toy repair shop basket on your side too.
  16. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from chknlimbosthe1 in Faerie Quest Help   
    Ahhh thank you! Unfortunately I had to go to a doctor's appointment so was only able to nab the one that was 1400 but it was still worth if for
    "Oh, that looks perfect. I knew I could count on you to be a big help with my cooking.

    Chardlyneo's gained 2 movement points and 2 hit points!"
  17. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Synerjee in Festival of Neggs: Find Topsi!   
    Well, I'm glad I was able to help a little w/ the guide so far at least!
    When it comes to the background I can confirm it shows that it's in my closet but I can't choose to put it on a pet.
    As for which basket to choose at the toy repair, it depends. If you are looking to resell, book is the way to go since people go gaga over books.
  18. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from ranga_muffin in Festival of Neggs: Find Topsi!   
    Idk how to make it bigger right now but it looks like this:

    It reminds me of Mary Poppins somehow?
  19. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from tk421beth in Faerie Quest Help   
    Ohhh is that the cheapest? Hmm... I could probably get the same level for cheaper I think I'll skip this one. Thank you tho!
  20. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from acmerasta in Ghoul Catchers   
    Downloaded to my nook as I said I would when it would be on google play. It wouldn't let me choose 'remember me' but I logged in fine nonetheless. Data appears to be shared amongst any/all platforms it's played on without any prompting from the player to save or load from a cloud.
    According to other reports, the Android release has nowhere near the same problems iOS and FB had. Which is good. It gives me a little hope in the competency of the ones in charge of the app.
    EDIT: Ahhh, interesting. I must've not seen anyone say anything about getting items for completing a map... nice. And like the last batch of items for initial signup I got them near instantly. Impressive.
  21. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to Eleventh_Muse in Pet sayings random?   
    One time I got an RE where the pet says "I haven't been trained in FOREVER." type thing and lost a stat point.. The irony? He was IN training while I got the RE. So unfair LOL.
  22. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from acmerasta in Facebook tracking message?   
    I had it earlier and it seems like it was a coding comment that wasn't properly done. I wouldn't worry about it.
  23. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Synerjee in What's your Achievement today?   
    I won Solitaire twice in a row! I don't think that's ever happened in my 12 years of playing!

    You have received a Gold Trophy for winning two in a row!!!
  24. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from tk421beth in Space Faerie Scratchcard   
    Confirmed I also did not get it and because of my mental issues I thought I had disassociated again or something. lol that was fun.
    I coulda sworn it was simply an automated thing that wouldn't be effected by other things but then I remembered the Altador prizes are wonky too. Hah.
    Well, it's nothing too important.
  25. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from tk421beth in Faerie Quest Help   
    I had an extra in my SDB so I tossed one to the username you put on your profile here on tdn. c: Hope you get somethin' good from her (friends).
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